Third & GroveThird & Grove
Aug 30, 2017 - Anthony Severo

One size does not fit all - tips for effective visitor conversion.

In my role optimizing digital experiences for effective lead generation I often find sites tend to default to a one size fits all for their conversion funnel pages.   Landing and form pages are general and provide basic content and capabilities to capture a contact request.   Visitors are served irrelevant and/or generic experiences that do not excite and engage.    The result: high costs for lead generation and with low return on investment for marketing activities.

Tip 1 - Don’t Repurpose

The Scenario: You are launching a new campaign to attract a new audience.   You are running PPC campaigns and are driving a new audience to your site.   You decide it’s easiest and quickest to re-use landing pages intended for other audiences for this campaign.

Don’t do it!   Take the time to consider what engages your new audience and ensure you have the right landing page and conversion form for this audience.   With today’s content management and CRM tools, delivering the right content to your new audience is more of a content activity than a development activity.  Don’t have the perfect template for your new audience?

Don’t sweat it.  Find the one that is best and make sure the content is relevant to your new audience.

Tip 2 - Integrate your site and CRM experience

The Scenario: You launched a new CRM such as Hubspot, Eloqua, or Marqueto.  You develop a new downloadable case study and quickly launch a campaign in one of these tools and don’t integrate the asset and funnel into the site experience.

Be Careful!   You are isolating the experience into the CRM form and the only engagement you are driving is downloading of the asset.   This may be fine if this is the sole goal of the campaign but I find it’s often better to have a holistic experience across your site and CRM.   Consider the following ways to integrate the experience:

  • Ensure the CRM form is being delivered with the same brand experience as your site.   

  • Consider other areas of your site where a call to action to this case study download may be relevant

  • No dead ends after the download.  Direct visitors to additional content that supports your conversion goal.  If the case study supports a service consider linking them to the page detailing the service.

  • Consider developing other site content that supports your new asset such as a blog teaser.

Tip 3 - Don’t Mingle the B2B and B2C Experience

The Scenario: You are launching a new campaign and attracting B2B dealers to sell your services or products.    You drive the B2B users to landing pages that are co-mingled in the B2C experience.

Danger Zone!   You may be negatively impacting the B2C experience.   B2C customers are easily distracted.  Co-mingling B2B content in their experience will confuse them and lead to site abandonment.  A worse scenario - you are promoting great profits to your dealers.  Your B2C audience will not interpret this message equally.  Consider the following:

  • Make it a rule NOT to share landing pages across B2C and B2B users.

  • Partition the site experience across B2B and B2C experiences typically leading heavy with the B2C experience.  

  • Consider delivering “sensitive” B2B information in email or portals and not on the public site.