How often does one quick fix to a problem stay as only one? More often than not, a domino effect takes place and the flood gates open. Suddenly, you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of applying band-aids to a problem that has no quit. Enter strategy. Where instead of being in a constant state of panic, you’re in the most powerful position to navigate a pandemic you didn’t see coming.
Presently, companies don’t want to fall behind the rapidly-changing pace of the current landscape. They’re reactive versus proactive approach of cutting corners seems to be the option as of late — or always — but now it’s more noticeable to consumers. A stalled credit card transaction or a broken tab can lose a potential customer’s attention span to your competitor in seconds. The world is online and remote, and competition is fierce, so wanting to go from A to C while bypassing B could be the kiss of death. We can use Band-Aids and pay for quick-fix remedies all day long, but doing the due diligence now to avoid those additional fixes later will establish your site as credible. It can put you in the powerful position of increased traffic and conversions.
Ever heard the term, “ You have to spend money to make money?” This is the 2021 path mindset needed to secure your company’s reputation and legacy going forward. It’s not going to get any easier from here, it’s time to embrace the necessary steps.
If the world has gone remote, so has whatever field your business is in. Retail is one industry where companies must maintain a powerful website that functions flawlessly, but so do institutions, museums, events, conferences, grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
“Online shopping has been a boon for some retailers during the Covid-19 crisis. It has been a lifeline for others. But for nearly all companies, it’s brought a slew of new challenges.” - CNBC.
So what’s the answer to secure your spot among the greats while avoiding the Band-Aid technique?
Allot time to figure out what your site needs.
Pen and paper it out from the customer’s perspective. What is it that your site needs to provide them with a flawless experience? Is it a seamless shopping cart structure? Better navigational flow? A transformational experience? Better speed? Or is it all of the above? Write them down.
If you’re not an expert in the field, seek out those who are.
A good CEO knows their strengths and weaknesses. Hence, building a supportive team with specific and valuable skill sets makes all the difference. If you’re that CEO who thinks he/she can manage the totality of their business, then something significant is falling through the cracks, and your company may not reach its full potential.
Change up your budget.
In the past, marketing budgets were primarily driven by traditional mediums. Even then, some chose to only stick by word of mouth, and occasionally, that’s all that it took to survive. Some companies and some individuals can still skate by using the word of mouth method, but the percentage is tiny, and even then, a website for information or contact is necessary 9.5 times out of 10. So if the local dog walker needs a one-page parallax, what does that mean for your e-commerce site or your institution or your mom-and-pop grocery store that just started a delivery service? The budget has been divided and not only between marketing and digital. It’s now three buckets; marketing, digital, and site. It’s 2020 COVID, soon to be 2021 COVID. It’s survival of the fittest site.
Even e-commerce sites that are already well-oiled machines are continually looking to better their infrastructure to accommodate increased traffic flow. If you want to compete, you have to structure like you are. King Arthur Flour had no idea a pandemic would hit, but their timing was impeccable. The company went through a massive site revamp a year before, and now it’s easier to manage and can withstand an influx in online traffic. King Arthur has now solidified itself as the top baking site and has become the baking sensation of 2020—their products are flying off the shelves!
If you’re waiting for the perfect time to handle a revamp, you’ll never get it done. Dive into the process now, because 2021 is not going to make it any easier.
Your company keeping a competitive edge is a non-negotiable.