If you don’t know about Gatsby’s wicked fast speeds, 2,000+ plugins, concierge services, and their newly minted custom-architected cloud infrastructure, then let’s introduce you.
Gatsby has been changing the game.
The above features, plus many more, are revamping and creating site builds across every sector, in every industry, around the entire globe. If your interest has been piqued, here are our top 5 favorite Gatsby sites of 2020.
Real Cedar
The minute you land on their page, you can effectively feel the speed; it’s gloriously fast, making the transitions effortless. The potential for being inundated with too much information could easily transpire, but they’ve broken it up superiorly with a layout that is intuitive, clean, and engaging.
Raleigh Bikes
A site prone to crashes and long load times underwent a complete Gatsby overhaul. They made it scalable and faster while revamping the old-fashioned e-commerce platform for a more comfortable shopping cart and checkout flow. For a company like Raleigh who has an extensive product portfolio, all of the above are vital to their success. Now, the site sparkles and shines–it’s fun, informative, and inviting.
Little Caesars
There’s no more challenging deadline than that of needing a site ready for the oncoming onslaught of traffic post, first-ever Superbowl ad debut. Luckily, Gatsby was brought on to make it happen. They uncomplicated the back-end, unified the platform, kept it scalable, and made a seamless transition from old to new—the result; an improved, simplified user experience that takes into account a seriously hungry customer.
A company that prides itself on building the future of transportation must have a site that reflects their progressive actions. Enter Gatsby + Third and Grove. Technology is cool, but making the functionalities of technology cool is no easy feat. By using speed, high-resolution visuals, and interactive user experiences, we made that happen. The final result, a site that takes a complex product and breaks it down simplistically and beautifully for the user to grasp with ease.
London’s Royal College of Art
How often do college students get involved in building their college’s professional website? The answer is not often at all, potentially zilch. For the revamp of their site, they enlisted a design firm, Gatsby and RCA students. In the end, they built a speedy site that manages to maintain order without chaos while showcasing multiple disciplines in many different formats across many pages. To boot, over 850 students have their own dedicated page! The new site has scalability, is user-friendly, and, more importantly for a design-centric school, engaging.
With all the barriers being broken and the speed at which everything is evolving, we can only imagine what our top 5 Gatsby sites will be for 2021.
Contact us to learn more about Gatsby.