We have some very exciting news to share today: Acquia has announced that Third and Grove is the winner of the Acquia Top Drupal Contributor Award in 2020.
We are appreciative and proud of this recognition, but I can’t say we are surprised: Since the start of Third and Grove we have been committed to two things: 1) Being the best Drupal experts in the room 2) Giving back to the community. Empowering our clients with the Acquia platform has been crucial to our success because the only achievements that matter are those that we help our customers obtain. Our top ranking on Drupal.org, success metrics in case studies, and awards are all a testament to the effectiveness of strategy.
—Peter Ford, VP of Global Channels, Partners & Alliances, Acquia
Open source software powers the world around us, from low-level infrastructure that the average consumer never notices to experiences that people use every day in their lives. Open source is everywhere; it’s critical, it’s impactful, it’s personal, and its use is growing.
Our strategy as a for-profit organization built on open source expertise is built on the belief that open source is like a bank: A bank makes loans to community members, supporting consumers and businesses, leveraging their deposits from the public. A bank loan is just like an organization that takes open source software and builds something valuable to their business. But banks will fail if no one makes deposits, and the time we spend and reinvest in giving back Drupal code is the deposits we make to this remarkable bank that has been so beneficial to all of us.
Acquia is the only open DXP in the market. As open source has taught us time and time again, when you bet on open platforms, everyone wins.